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Structural Integration

also known as Fasciatherapy or ATSI

What is it?

Sport, training, work, stress or just life in general can sometimes leave us with injuries, scars, feeling tight and heavy. We might experience pain in the back, shoulder, knees or other places in our bodies. And it is sometimes hard to find a way to deal with these feelings and find a solution for it.


This is the moment when you could consider to give a 12 session series of Structural Integration a try.



Structural Integration aims to give the client to help the client to find a better alignment of his body. By balancing the tensions in your muscles and fascia, giving you a new feeling of your body and letting you experience new ways of movement, very often helps in finding a way out of feeling heavy and in pain.

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What happens
during a session

At the beginning of every session I like to do a visual assessment of your posture in standing. This helps me to define where your body needs the most hands on and also shows us changes and progression from one session to the next. 


In order for the body and the brain to reuse and relearn full range of motion, manual techniques are always accompanied by specific movement. Unlike in a relaxing massage, you as a client are an important part of this active therapy.


Faciatherapy involves working from toes to head and with direct contact on the skin. So you might choose to wear underwear that is comfortable and covers you appropriately.

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This is our plan

It will be tailored to your needs and how your body reacts. 


Sessions 1-4

We work on superficial muscles and fascia.


Sessions 5-8

We activate more central structures like your spine, diaphragm, pelvic floor and jaw muscles.


Sessions 9-12

We balance tensions and give you the power to use all the changes in your daily life.


How long does it take?

Allow 70 minutes for a session. We might be finished earlier - it all depends on your energy and what your body needs. Most of the time we will do one session a week - but again this might be different due to your body, time or energy.


We will do 12 sessions together. Then your body will be ready to go back to your sports/ daily activities and will continue to change and heal as you will have changed your habits, the way you move and your posture.

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Origin of Structural Integration/ Fasciatherapy

Yoga, Osteopathy, AlexanderTechnique and an interest in the Anatomy led Ida Rolf in the 1940ies to develop what today is called Rolfing or Structural Integration ( A holistic manual therapy technique, that is well known to help with chronic pain situations.


Many years later her student Tom Myers ( continued to develop her techniques. He was inspired by Anatomy, Movement and FasciaReserach ( Tom Myers' school is currently teaching therapists all over the world and is known under the name of Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (ATSI). This is where the roots of the techniques and philosophies I am working with lie.

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